More info regarding Miss Saigon in Stoke on Trent......
'Anyone interested in Performing and between the ages of 13 and 19 can now audition for our forthcoming production of the smash hit musical Miss Saigon. This will be the very first time the production has been staged in Stoke, where it will run for two weeks in September. From the writers of Les Miserables, Miss Saigon features a contemporary, pop-inflicted score with hit songs such as Movie In My Mind, Last Night of the World, Bui-Doi and The American Dream. The cast will work with a professional creative team over the coming months giving them an opportunity not to be missed.' For further information and to register to audition visit
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Local theatre company, Stage Productions are to put on Boublil and Schonbergs 'Miss Saigon' right here in Stoke on Trent. This will be a two-week run in September 2012. Anyone wishing to attend must be between the ages of 13 - 19 (this is a youth production/school edition). Auditions will be held on Sunday 6th May (time and location tbc). For more info please check out Stage Productions Facebook page for updates:!/stageproductions Also check out the video below to learn or re-kindle the some of the music from this fantastic musical. ‘Werewolves’ on Cannock Chase????
Please don’t think I’m mad but yes, the question is are there werewolves on Cannock Chase? Who thinks I’m crazy? Well maybe, but the truth is many people believe that something ‘wolf-like’ lives in the woods of Cannock. Many witnesses have come forward over the last twenty years, and twenty plus sightings have been recorded in the area. The story is Staffordshire’s own ‘Dogman’ story which has captivated the American population for decades. Also the area is popular for avid UFO sighting enthusiasts and also home to ‘The Lady of the Chase’, a ghostly figure that supposedly haunts the woods and roads around the Chase. That said it was the werewolf story that first brought my attention to the Chase (silly really as I only live some forty miles away and have not been there since I was in school). Now lets be realistic a second. Do I mean that I believe that out there in the woods of the heart of England lives a ‘Werewolf’? Well lets take a second to think of the terminology. Firstly a ‘werewolf’ is generally considered to be a man or woman who has the ability to transform into a wolf, whether voluntarily or involuntarily. On this basis is it a ‘werewolf’? Probably not - although I never rule anything out. Therefore is it probable that the thing being seen is a wolf hybrid, or an animal we know of that is being misidentified? I know which one I’m hoping it is. So if it is a ‘Dogman’ or ‘Dog-woman’ (lets keep things fair), then where does it live, why is its habitat so secretive, and why can we never get definitive evidence? In the hope of answering some of these questions it has been decided, in great wisdom, to go to the Chase on the 23rd June, stay overnight and have two full days exploring the area. This will, Ladies and Gents, also be … my ‘stag’ night ready for my wedding, and I for one cannot think of a better way to spend it! Sod the pubs and clubs we are going on a ghost/werewolf hunt! Now the night itself will or hopefully will be mostly held around Camp Road, just off the A34 (a bit like Bray Road, Wisconsin) and the German War Cemetery. The War cemetery is a great hotspot for werewolf sightings as is Camp Road so I am hoping for something credible in these areas, audio, video evidence etc. Another theory is that a wolf or wolves have been released onto the Chase, unknown to the Forestry Commission. This seems highly unlikely to me as I assume a wolf or wolves released into the wild would either die from being in captivity to long or they would be able to approach humans as they would have no need to fear them if they had already interacted with them. An unknown species that has had little to no interaction with humans would therefore be much more elusive and I suppose wary of humans, again all my opinion so I’m not saying these ideas are scientifically accurate. Now the ‘Lady of the Chase’ is another story altogether. A lady once reported seeing the womanly figure whilst driving through the Chase and stated that upon seeing the figure she became transfixed upon it. The figure, appearing naked, showed no signs of having breasts or genitalia but had a womanly physique. Bright eyes seemed to almost hypnotise the observer and a brief period the figure disappeared into the woods. Now people have argued that this was not a ghost as it would not have walked off but disappeared, almost like a vapour. Speaking from experience of ghostly encounters, I have witnessed something I perceived to be a ghost walk off down a corridor, so I myself will not rule out ghosts when it comes to the ‘Lady of the Chase’. I have also read articles that state it may be an alien. Cannock Chase is a huge area for spotting UFO’s so this would tie-in with that theory. I don’t want to rule either theory out, I like to keep on open mind about everything that has never been undoubtedly proven. Now I’ve written about the hunt I am looking forward to it even more and hopefully I will return in one piece. If anyone has any information regarding the topics discussed please get in touch. Any more information to help me would be very much appreciated. |
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